Mooshka Wiki

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The Mooshka wiki is based about the toy franchise currently being developed by MGA Entertainment. Its premise is that a group of paper doll friends joining hands together one day and then transforming into soft, sweet, huggable girls, thanks to the power of friendship. No News is found yet.

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The Mooshka wiki is based on the plush toy brand and franchise manufactured and developed by MGA entertainment. Its story premise tells of a group of paper doll friends who sprung into sweet, huggable girls through the power of friendship. The term, "mooshka", means "a small being that is both sweet and adorable", and its tagline is "Sweet and huggable, oh so lovable!" The toyline was officially released around June 2013, and it is expecting to be lauched in stores around August 2013. It's first e-book, Myra's Birthday Surprise, was released on July 1, 2013. Its Website has been recently updated.

They come with finger puppets.

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Mooshka Logo

Mooshka Logo